Day 1 
Matthew 12:1-32 - 
Freedom and Justice 
Prayer Point: Today, we thank God for allowing us the freedom to worship and serve Him beyond our human traditions. We ask God to reveal any area of legalism we may fall into. We ask Him to replace it with an empowerment for us to practice justice in our communities, embodying Jesus’ example of compassion. Action: Engage in an act of kindness that pushes you out of your comfort zone, showing God’s love in unexpected places.

Day 2 
Kingdom Life and Growth
Prayer Point:
Reflecting on the parable of the sower, we pray for hearts that are fertile soil for God’s Word. May our lives produce fruit that impacts communities, cities, and nations for the Kingdom of God. Action: Share a personal story of growth in your faith with someone, inviting them to take their own next step towards discipleship.

Day 3
Matthew 13:10-30
Understanding and Peace Prayer Point:

We seek deeper understanding of God’s Kingdom. We pray for peace in our hearts amidst life’s challenges, trusting in God’s sovereign plan. Action: Write down a thought on today’s Bible reading about God’s Kingdom, noting how you see God’s peace and plan unfolding in your life.

Day 4
Matthew 13:31-58 

Small Beginnings and Restoration Prayer Point: From small beginnings, great things grow. We pray for the mustard seed sized faith to bring about restoration in broken areas of our lives and the lives of our communities, cities and the nations. Action: Plant something physical as a symbol of planting seeds of faith in your community.

Day 5
Matthew 14:1-21 

Provision Prayer Point:
We thank God for His provision, as we read of Jesus feeding the 5,000. We pray for opportunities to step out in faith and use the gifts and talents God has placed in our hands to bless others. Action: Offer to serve or bless someone today, stepping out in faith as a reflection of God’s provision.

Day 6
Matthew 14:22-15:9 - 

Faith and Peace Prayer Point: 
We pray that we may keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We pray for steadfast faith that walks towards Jesus, even in the midst of a storm. Action: Reach out to support someone going through a difficult time, bringing God’s presence of peace.

Day 7
Matthew 15:10-16:4 

Purity of Heart 
Prayer Point: We pray for hearts that honour God not only in words, but in truth and action. Action: Examine your heart in prayer, confessing and repenting of the things we do that don’t glorify God.

 Day 8
Matthew 16:5-28 
 Kingdom Identity and Mission
Prayer Point: We pray for a fresh revelation of our identity as citizens of the Kingdom of God. We pray that the Holy Spirit reveal areas in our lives that we need to lay down in order to take up His cross and follow Him more fervently. Action: Write down one way you can take up your cross daily, committing to live out your Kingdom identity.

Day 9
Matthew 17 

 Transformation and Presence 
Prayer Point: We pray for transformative encounters with God’s presence that change us and empower us to impact the world around us. Action: Take a moment of solitude to pray for a fresh revelation of God’s glory and presence in your life.

Day 10
Matthew 18:1-20 -

Community and Forgiveness 
Prayer Point: We pray for a humble and teachable spirit. We ask for wisdom in dealing with conflicts, seeking reconciliation, and maintaining unity within our church and relationships. Action: Today, reach out to mend a relationship where there has been misunderstanding or distance, taking a step towards reconciliation with humility and love.

Day 11
Matthew 18:21-35 

Forgiveness and Restoration 
Prayer Point: We pray for the grace to forgive as we have been forgiven. We ask God to help us as we step towards personal and community restoration. Action: Identify someone you need to forgive; pray a blessing over them.

Day 12
Matthew 19 

Kingdom Values and Restoration Prayer Point: As Jesus speaks on Kingdom values, we pray for the ability to embody these in our own lives. Today, let’s also pray for the restoration and protection of relationships; including families and marriages. Action: Choose one area of your life to align more closely with Kingdom values, and take a practical step towards that change.

Day 13
Matthew 20:1-28 - 

Justice and Service Prayer Point: 
Reflecting on the parables and teachings of Jesus, we pray for a heart that seeks justice and delights in serving others, recognizing everyone’s equal value as children of God in His Kingdom. Action: Volunteer your time or resources today in service to someone who can offer nothing in return.

Day 14
Matthew 20:29-21:17 -

Joy on Palm Sunday 
Prayer Point: As we reflect on Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem in the coming week, and the miracles that preceded it, we pray for the joy of the Lord to be our strength and guide. May this story and Palm Sunday next weekend inspire us to welcome Jesus as King into every area of our lives with open hearts and joyful praise. Action: Celebrate this day by sharing your story with someone, highlighting how welcoming Jesus afresh has brought joy and transformation into your life.

Day 15
Matthew 21:18-46 - 

Faith and Action 
Prayer Point: Jesus exemplifies faith and authority. We pray for the faith in God’s power and for the courage to act justly. We pray that our lives be fruitful, reflecting God’s Kingdom Life. Action: Act on a faith step you’ve been hesitating to take, whether it’s sharing your faith or taking a next step in starting a new ministry initiative.

Day 16
Matthew 22:1-22 - 

Kingdom Invitation and Response 
Prayer Point: Reflecting on the parable of the wedding banquet, we pray that we respond eagerly to God’s invitation and in turn extend it to others. Action: Invite someone to join you in a church service, Life Group, or prayer meeting this week.

Day 17
Matthew 22:23-46 

 Love and Obedience 
Prayer Point: As Jesus summarizes the law and the prophets with two great commandments: love God, and love others; we pray that we may embody this kind of love in every aspect of our lives, demonstrating true Kingdom Life. Action: Perform an act of love that stretches you out of your comfort zone.

Day 18
Matthew 23 

Humility, Authenticity and Leadership 
Prayer Point: We pray for our CityLife Church staff, board, leaders and team members. We pray that we all carry a spirit of humility and authenticity in our faith, being true examples of Christ’s followers. Action: Write a personal note of encouragement or gratitude to a CityLife Church staff or board member, leader, or team member, acknowledging their service and affirming the value of humility and authenticity in their walk with Christ.

Day 19
Matthew 24:1-14 - Endurance and Proclamation 

Prayer Point: We pray for endurance to stand firm in our faith and proclaim the gospel amidst adversity. Action: Identify one challenging situation in your life where you have actively demonstrated your faith; commit to sharing your story as a testimony of God’s faithfulness in that context.

Day 20
Matthew 24:15-35 

Alertness and Preparation 
Prayer Point: We pray that we continue to live lives that reflect a state of readiness for Christ’s return, remaining faithful and prepared. Action: Evaluate your actions and thoughts, ensuring they align with Kingdom living, reflecting faithfulness and preparedness in every aspect of life.
Day 21
Matthew 24:36-25:13 - Kingdom Stories 

Prayer Point: On this final day, we celebrate the steps taken and stories shared throughout these 21 days. We pray for vigilance and wisdom, focusing on the faithfulness and the joy of the Lord as our strength as we continue to submit and commit to Kingdom Life. Action: Share your story of how this season of 21 days of prayer and fasting has impacted your walk with God, reflecting on any steps taken for the Kingdom.